
Saturday, March 23, 2013


Welcome to The Teacher's Den, the meeting point for the English-learning community at IES Praia Barraña school in Boiro. The two main goals of this weblog are communication and sharing information, so everyone is invited to join in. Just drop a comment, link, pic or file. Anything can be useful to increase our mutual knowledge of Shakespeare's slang

As Homer Simpson once said: "If something goes wrong at the power plant, blame the guy who can't speak English." 
And that guy ain't gonna be me! 


  1. Hi Xose Manuel!
    Welcome to the ESL blogosphere! I’m sure your students will love this virtual den. Congratulations for your Comenius project: it’s a great way to get students (and all the community) involved in their development of language competences and life skills in general (including friendship, of course). By the way, enjoy your stay in Denmark and…
    Long live The Teacher’s Den!

  2. Thank you very much, Ana. I appreciate your kind words and advice. There is still a lot of work to do on this blog to turn it into the meeting point I would like it to be. I will start by editing some posts to include the questions that you so wisely suggested by e-mail. I also want to open new sections for my students, one for each level, with information about my classes. I have always wanted to have my own blog and this course is the perfect excuse, so whatever comes out of it, I owe it all to you.
